Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas Recap

I'm really bad at blogging... There are lots of things that I forget... Like recapping Christmas. My mother, other brother and his son came over for the holiday. So that made a total of nine people sleeping in the house... thirteen if you count the four animals. I feel so lucky that our house is big enough for this though... Barely.

Anyway, the chitlins really enjoyed the holiday, but they still have yet to learn what it's really all about... I don't think they care about Santa too much either. They just think 'Oh boy! Presents!' And then sit down calmly... At least, that's what happened this Christmas. I guess my mother caught my two nephews just staring at the presents when she woke up... But they never bugged any of us to get up so they could open them. Is it weird that these children didn't do what most kids do??

Well... Matschi got some hotwheels tracks, some cars, a Buzz Lightyear toy, and... a nerf gun. And then pelted poor Solomon with all of the darts. The dog tried to eat them.

Bee got a jewelry box from my mom, a Merida doll from Brave, and a new puzzle. She also got a huge princess dollhouse. She refuses to leave her room now because she's so obsessed with it. I just wish she'd stop taking the thing apart, especially the minarets on the towers. She also is fascinated with taking all of her Barbies' clothes off. And it doesn't help that all of their hair is cut off. Most of them anyway. They used to be mine when I was little, and I thought the hair was annoying. So now they're butch barbies instead. Bee doesn't seem to care though.

I would also like to mention that... ANDI IS PREGNANT! They've been trying for a year now... And she's almost twelve weeks along :) She's hoping for a girl, but my brother wants another boy... I guess we'll see when the time comes.

Update: Crazy things, letter recognition, and SNOW

So it's been a while. I always feel so bad whenever I take this long to post something new. Lately, it's been crazy, and I've taken lots of pictures... but I feel like many of them would be irrelevant now that it's January 2013... Although, I took maybe three or four Christmas pictures. I should've taken more though, I know. But let me give an update as to what is happening right now, and then I can post a few pictures somewhere in between...

So about two months ago on November 9th, my boyfriend Will moved into the house, and my brother finally married Andi on December 12th. At the moment, that means that we have my brother, his wife Andi, the chitlins Bee and Matschi, Me, Will, Solomon, the old dog Matti, and the two fat cats running around this house... So things are a little crazy...

Recently, I got a new job. Only just a month ago. And THEN I got a promotion on the 10th! I am now officially a toddler teacher instead of a float, meaning I used to just go to different classrooms and help out with whatever they needed... It's nice to have a permanent position!

For Halloween, Bee was a cotton candy princess while Matschi was Iron Man. We all thought the mask was stupid though, so he had me paint it on him (though to be honest, I don't think I did a very good job... especially with his weird hairline).

December 17th was Bee's THIRD birthday. Already! Time sure does fly!! I still remember when she was just two weeks old...

We have also been doing some schooling, like I said we would, but the kids don't even realize they're learning. The other day, Matschi came up to us after having written a letter on his doodle pad. It was a PERFECT H. Thing is though... he didn't remember what letter it was, but he DID know that his name started with it! And he can write his name, though we first started out with using dotted lines for him to trace... Bee though... she's still a bit young, so she's not interested in writing her name. She likes writing the letter A though.

We've also been doing puzzles and letter recognition... which... the way that we're doing the recognition, I actually got it from another person's blog. It works for the most part, but we have yet to actually REALLY recognize the letters... So for now, we're just working on it a little at a time. 

We'll also be starting some Signing Time as well. I've heard from a lot of moms that it really encourages a great vocabulary and reading skills... We might start that tomorrow. Possibly.

Oh yeah... it also snowed. The 10th and the 11th. And the storm was named... Gandolf. Not even kidding. So now that the storm is over, all of us have a snow day planned at the park. After that, it may be time for some hot cocoa, a bit of Signing Time, and most likely some sort of winter project.